
Personal Identifiable Information (PII): Everything You Need To Know

A legal phrase about information security settings is “Personally Identifiable Information” (PII). Although PII has several formal meanings, it generally refers to data that organizations can use to locate, contact, or identify a specific person or a person in a particular situation. Information considered as PII includes Social Security Numbers, driver’s license numbers, Alien Registration numbers, financial or medical records, biometrics, or criminal history.

pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6]: How to Fix Outlook Pii Email Errors

PII Email

Sensitive PII should be password-protected or encrypted when sent via email outside of DHS. Send the encrypted copy as an email attachment while giving the recipient the password in another email or over the phone. The most frequent causes of the pii_email_0f5d13fdd444218ce923 issue are installation errors and incompatibilities with other programmes.

Email address – personal information?

Email addresses are personal information, yes. Email addresses are considered personally identifiable information under the GDPR and CCPA data protection laws (PII).

PII is any data that, alone or in combination with other information, can be used to identify a specific physical person. PII includes:

1. Names and email addresses

2. Indicators of social security

3. Physical locations

4. Birthdays

PII is divided into two groups by NIST: linked and unlinked. Someone may be able to determine an identity using linked data directly. Examples of PII fall under this category:

  • Initials and Last Name
  • Residence Address Office Address
  • The number for Social Security
  • Mobile Number
  • Credit or debit card numbers with a birthdate
  • Addresses for Email

Unlinked information is less direct and calls for combining two or more pieces of information to identify someone. Unlinked data contains the following:

  • Names, First and Last
  • gender and racial categories
  • Age Job Title Zip Code City, State, or Country

Even though unlinked PII emails may seem “safer” than linked PII, you never know what combination of unlinked PII may unintentionally reveal someone’s identity. Using platforms, tools, and procedures that safeguard data inside your particular business cases is crucial.

How to Resolve the Error [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25]

Types of [pii email e7ab94772079efbcb25] Outlook Errors:

  • Installation Error
  • many accounts
  • Conflict with other applications
  • damaged cache
  • Internet problems
  • outdated versions of Outlook

The [pii email e7ab94772079efbcb25] Outlook error is relatively prevalent among users, just like many other Outlook Pii issues. You can solve the problem quickly by using the following techniques:

  • Sort the emails and delete any that are superfluous.

This issue affects both your Gmail and Outlook accounts if your mailbox is overflowing with mail. In addition to resulting in an error when sending and receiving emails, having too many accounts registered on your device can occasionally prohibit the application from functioning. Separate your emails and use the funds that are most relevant to you to log in as a solution. Using the alternate option in Outlook, you may also divide the emails.

  • Application cache clearing

The application keeps a cache to launch quickly the next time a user approaches; however, frequently, this cache is corrupted and leads to issues like MS Outlook not functioning or the error in question. To fix the error, it’s crucial to restart the application and erase its cache.

  • Clear Cache in Browser

Errors frequently start to appear when the browser cache becomes corrupted. If MS Outlook is currently operating in the browser, it’s possible that the corrupted cache is interfering with it and preventing correct operation. Therefore, try clearing the browser’s cache to check whether the issue is fixed.

  • Using the Google Chrome browser

To clear Chrome’s cache and cookies, follow these instructions:

  • Open the Google Chrome browser, then hit the CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE keyboard shortcut.
  • MARK all three boxes in the pop-up window that appears, and then select All time for the Time range from the selection menu.
  • NOW select the Clear Data option below.
  • Using the Microsoft Edge browser

Follow these instructions to erase the cache and cookies if you’re using the Edge browser:

i) Press the CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE buttons on the keyboard to open the Microsoft Edge browser.

ii) A Clear Browsing Databox also appears, as you can see.

Then choose the Cached pictures and files, other site data, and Cookies option.

iii) Then, in the section below, click the Clear button.

  • Updating the Outlook program

An issue when sending an email may also occur if you are using an old version of Outlook. The obsolete version of Outlook can stop working correctly with the most recent Windows 10 version.

Install the update after checking for its availability.

  • Start the SCANPST.exe tool.

Like the Microsoft Auto Repair Tool, SCANPST.exe was created by Microsoft to address issues with the MS Office suite. Sending emails and using the Outlook program might experience failures due to internal problems with the Office suite.

  • Examine your internet connection.

This could also occur if the internet connection isn’t functioning correctly and the speed isn’t stable. Therefore, checking your internet speed or switching internet connections is crucial.

  • See if Windows 10 Troubleshooting Center is available.

You may fix any problems or errors with installed programs in the Windows Troubleshooting Center. For instance, an error may result if Microsoft Office needs to be installed correctly. Join the Windows 10 computer

Personal and Emailing Information

Organizations should think about utilizing these data protection tools to abide by the regulations mentioned earlier:

  • Secure email.
  • You must enable public key encryption or utilize an integrated email provider that all your customers use if you decide to encrypt email.
  • sftp or other file transfers should not be done over email links in secure emails.


Data Encryption for PII One of the tested methods for protecting PII data is encryption. Once customer data is encrypted, the likelihood of a data breach can be significantly reduced. The consequences can be controlled because the encrypted version of the stolen data renders it useless to the attacker.


For encrypted data, there are numerous PII encryption techniques available. Let’s examine four popular data encryption methods.


The United States government uses the trusted standard AES. The standard’s minimal RAM use and quick execution time helped it gain popularity. Additionally, AES performs effectively on various devices, which is crucial for the algorithm’s adoption.

2. RSA

An asymmetric encryption algorithm is what RSA is characterized as. In other words, the encryption and decryption keys are unique. It is a widely used encryption method for safely sending data over the internet. RSA encryption is used by several PGP and GnuPG (GPG) software products.


A less well-known symmetric encryption method is called Twofish. Between 128 and 256 bits is the minimum block size that this method operates with. This indicates that the encryption technique works effectively on hardware with lower power.


Finally, the development of 3DES to take the role of the original Data Encryption Standard (DES). Because the DES standard only used encryption keys with 56 bits, it was necessary to replace them. As a result of the minor key length, attackers could utilise brute force attacks. The only reason the brute force attack is conceivable is significant advancements in the hardware sector that resulted in far more effective hardware.

In conclusion, we define PII (personal identifying information) as any information that may be used to identify an individual, including their name, address, phone number, passport details, and social security numbers. Identity thieves routinely target this information, especially when doing so online. Because of this, it’s crucial for businesses and governmental organizations to maintain the security of their databases. In this article, we have mentioned all the essential pieces of information for you, such as what PII is, what is considered a PII, the PII statement for email, what PII includes, email address PII, how to resolve the PII error, and more. You can clear anything you wish to by going through the article thoroughly.


It is the data that can be used to identify an individual uniquely. This can include but is not limited to, your name, date of birth, social security number, driver’s licence number, and credit card information. Although this information may seem trivial to some, it is vitally important to the companies you are interacting with online. For example, a credit card company needs your credit card number to complete a transaction or verify your identity when you apply for a new card. However, while sharing this information may seem like a minor inconvenience at the time, it could have significant repercussions for you down the road.

WHAT DOES PII include?

Anything that can be used singularly to identify a person — including email addresses, user names, phone numbers, birthdates, social insurance numbers, biometric data like fingerprints, retina scans, facial recognition images, account numbers, financial records, etc. Of course, each organization has a different definition of what qualifies as personally identifiable information (PII), so make sure to read their privacy policies before sharing any information with them.

  1. Social Security Number
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Physical Address
  4. Telephone Number
  5. Credit/Debit Card Information
  6. Medical Information
  7. Family Relationships


If you disclose any personal information about yourself online, you are putting yourself at risk for identity theft and fraud. Your identity may be stolen by someone who wants to obtain access to your financial information or commit acts of theft or fraud under your name.

The consequences of identity theft can be severe and may include damage to your credit score, higher interest rates on loans or credit cards, and expensive legal fees and penalties. If you discover that you have been a victim of identity theft, you should take steps to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

  • Steps you can take:
  1. The Federal Trade Commission and local law enforcement agencies should be notified about identity theft.
  2. It is also a good idea to request a copy of your credit report and monitor it for any signs of fraud.
  3. Placing a fraud alert on your accounts with the major credit bureaus.
  4. Freezing your credit or debit card as soon as possible.

Be sure to keep a record of every contact you make related to your case. This will help with the resolution process if you decide to take legal action. It is important to note that your credit can only be restored if your information is no longer being used to commit fraud. In certain situations, you may be able to have false information removed from your credit report.


It is nothing but general information about any person and such information is usually collected from a form filled out online or through a catalogue purchase or other transaction. Examples of personal information include your social security number, name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, driver’s license number, credit card number, bank account number, etc. It is also important to note that companies are not required to collect any information from you except what is required by law.


There are a number of times we have to put our private information on the internet. However, there are some steps you can take some steps to protect your data.

  • These steps include:
  1. Shredding old documents containing your personal information
  2. Using strong passwords for all online accounts
  3. Changing your account passwords regularly
  4. Closing accounts that you no longer use and avoid using easy-to-guess passwords such as “password”, “qwerty”, or your address
  5. Keeping your private information private; only give out your personal information when you trust the person you are dealing with
  6. Do not share your social security card or any other piece of identifying or sensitive information with strangers
  7. Do not carry your social security card in your wallet or purse
  8. Keep the information you provide to financial institutions and credit card companies up to date Monitor your credit card and bank statements for suspicious activity
  9. Report any unauthorized transactions to your financial institution immediately
  10. Never open emails or attachments from unknown senders
  11. Use free Wi-Fi with caution and never log in to accounts or send/receive sensitive info when connected to public networks
  12. Always log out of an online account after using it
  13. Closely guard personal checks, PINs and passwords to avoid identity theft

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